Monday, April 11, 2022

Glucose Test, 3 Hr Test, and Ultrasound Update!

So it came time time to take my glucose test at 28 weeks. Such a silly test to down so much sugar and get a blood draw hoping you don't throw up or pass out. In over 30 years they haven't improved the test and that is just absurd. I have been dreading this test from the beginning and I am TERRIFIED of getting gestational diabetes. So I downed the drink in under 5 minutes and an hour later went into the doctors office for the draw and found out the next day that I failed it, like I expected. I had been having strange reactions to eating sugary foods and I wondered if I was diabetic. I was devastated and this all was happening the week we were meeting with the club foot specialist. So I had to schedule the grueling 3 hr test. 


The drink actually didn't taste too terribly bad and I didn't pass out! 

For the 3 hour test, the drink is 3 times as concentrated and they take your fasting blood draw, then a draw at 1, 2, and 3 hours after drinking the drink in under 5 minutes. My arm was so sore from the draws (why couldn't they have just pricked my finger) and I had to wait in the waiting room with my mom the entire 4.5 hours. I am SO grateful she dropped everything to sit with me through this day. I was so anxious and worried and was just a mess. She helped distract me and brought games and fun magazines for us to read. We also did fun word searches and such. She truly is the best. They told me it would be a week before I found out the results but hours after we got home they called me to let me know I passed with flying colors! My numbers were waaaay under the limits. I had a feeling it would be that because after the 2 hour mark, I felt completely normal. So I just have a slight insulin sensitivity so I just have to eat healthy and my baby will be just one pound over what he would have been (which is what he is already showing). 


We celebrated the good news by doing some gardening together and shopping at Target. It was too close for comfort for me and I am SO SO SO SO grateful I don't have gestational diabetes. It really opened my eyes to how the poor type 1's have to go through it for life. 


Lucy and I have been enjoying picnics just the two of us in the back yard soaking up this time together before her world is changed when little Rabe is here. We love eating ice together and reading our devotionals. 

We have also been going on as many family hikes as possible lately before baby gets here and before the pollen season hits and it gets too hot.

Had to take my yearly flower picture!!


And how strange, we had a freak snow storm in the middle of March. We loved every second, especially Lucy. I was so happy my big jacket still fit too! 


Notice the snowball in Lucy's mouth! 


We also hit the big milestone of 28 weeks! As you know I pictures being pregnant at 28 my entire life and giving birth at this age and now i'm all of that and at 28 weeks along! So cool! 

My daily craving lately, this wicker basket cereal with sliced bananas and almond milk. Its soooo good and it's about the only cravings I've been having. 


Famiy hike to goliath rock!

We had our last ultrasound at 30 weeks to check the umbilical cord insertion into the placenta which they couldn't see at the 20 week scan and it of course was fine and to see his little feet again. This is also our 4th ultrasound to confirm his right foot is normal and his left foot is for sure clubbed. It breaks my mama heart. His heart rate is great and he and my uterus are measuring a full week ahead so he really may come early. My fluid levels were slightly slightly high which coincides with my glucose and insulin sensitivities. and we get our final ultrasound at 36 weeks to estimate his birth size. From here we also are seeing the doctor for regular check ups every 2 weeks until 36 weeks when we go every week until delivery. I take the strep B test at 35 weeks also. 

I have been really fortunate to have an easy pregnancy and I haven't had any braxton hicks contractions, leg cramps, stretch marks, line on the stomach, or any other crazy symptom besides acid reflux. I have that really bad. 


We have also been practicing walking Lucy with the stroller and she took to it quite well!! We are very fortunate!!

With love,
Kayla Raborn

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