Monday, April 11, 2022

Family 4D ultrasound!!!!!

The moment I've been waiting for almost as much as his birth, our family 4D ultrasound. The day I get to see my son for the first time, the little boy that I made. We got to actually see his little face in 4D and get a glimpse into what he will actually look like. I feel like I got to meet my son that day and the words to describe that feeling aren't' even there. This is all I could ever want. I'm so proud. With this amazing technology, I was able to see that he has my lips, Cody's nose, chubby little cheeks, hair on his head, my chin dimple, my dad's nose, and me and my mom's side profile! He opened his eyes during the scan and moved around for us all to see. I was so grateful for family to be there to finally see him! 


And his ding-a-ling floating around in there LOL. I'm such a kid.

Cloud 9 4D ultrasound gave me the greatest gift that can never be beat. I am eternally grateful. I also ordered the heartbeat necklace and heartbeat stuffed animal. 

Who do you think baby looks more like?

With so much pride and love,
Mama Kayla

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