Saturday, November 13, 2021


 We are due with our little rainbow baby early June 2022!! 


We are currently 9 weeks 6 days along with our rainbow baby and are absolutely stoked! And surprised! (and we have known the gender for over 3 weeks ;) stay tuned for that post!) We had always decided we would start trying in October 2021 (since like before we were married) but September came around and we were just itching to have a baby so on a whim Cody said, lets just try now so I was like, what the heck, lets go. But I realized we had missed my fertile window because I was on a family trip but Cody said lets try anyways so somehow we conceived the day after ovulation. I felt extremely pregnant right away but thought for sure it didn't work because of the bad timing and kept getting negative pregnancy tests. Then we finally got the positive, it had actually worked!  


We had a 7 week 1 day ultrasound on Monday the 25th of October and things are looking perfect and heartbeat was at 126, THANK THE LORD and we also had an ultrasound at 8 weeks 6 days and our little baby waved and moved it's butt down! It was so surreal, his/her heartbeat was 167!!! My numbers had been looking great this whole time and I was put on progesterone just in case and it has made the world of difference in this pregnancy. I have felt so sick this time around though with such extreme nausea (with limited vomiting (thank the Lord)). I attribute that to the progesterone supplements. It has been so hard hiding it from all of the family this time around. Day zero of this pregnancy is September 5th.

Look how much our baby grew in a week and a half!!!

 This time we found out I was pregnant by myself again because when we tested together at the 3 week 1 day mark we got a negative pregnancy test and kept getting them for the next 6 days until I gave up testing. Then I missed my period (even though I was spotting the day before just like I always do before my period, but it was implantation bleeding really) and took another test the next evening and it had a faint positive second line!!!! I took it by myself because I just knew it would be negative like it was the day before, but it wasn't! I was in such denial, when I saw the faint second line I didn't believe it and was mad that they made the cheap pregnancy tests have a fake second line because people were going to think they were pregnant. Then I thought about how that sounded and I took another cheap test and it had the same line and then a digital test and it said a very clear +YES+. I was ecstatic but so mad at myself for taking it without Cody. So I got to surprise Cody again by hiding the test in an empty amazon box and saying something strange came in the mail but he guessed it before he opened it. He had known I was pregnant for quite a while, like I thought I was, but the tests kept saying no. So we technically found out at 4 weeks and 1 day along. Last time we found out at 3 weeks 1 day so I'm guessing since we started trying on a whim and it was after ovulation, the baby had a late implantation. I guess. 

 I am so grateful we got pregnant basically before the first try! God has blessed us with great fertility but now we have just been praying so heavily every day since that positive pregnancy test that this baby is healthy. I just know it in my gut that this is another boy. It just is. Stay tuned for the gender blog tomorrow! What are your final guesses? To accurately make an educated guess, you have to know the stats, the gender is determined by the male's genes/sperm so with that being said, on Cody's dads side, he has a brother, an uncle, a female and male cousin which the male cousin has two boys. Cody's great grandfather had 4 sisters and one brother. So with all of that knowledge, what is your guess? (P.S., I want one of each and Cody is ok with that too). And not that this determines anything with the gender, but I also have an uncle and two boy cousins on my dads side and one of the boy cousins has two boys as well . My grandfather had a sister. Anyways, we used the SneakPeek gender testing and found out the baby's gender at 7 weeks! Can you believe it?! Put your final gender guesses in the comments below! We won't know before the party either!

Check out the blog post on our two week wait, how we knew we were ready to start trying again, trying to conceive quickly, our 10 year plan, natural family planning while we were preventing pregnancy over the past 2ish years, and eventually our telling our families post. 

Dog parents to people parents!!!!

So you all saw our Halloween picture this year but what you didn't see was my other secret costume ;D. Little pumpkin on board!


With so much love, 

Your mama!💓


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