Saturday, September 21, 2024

6 Week Postpartum Update!


This is 6 weeks postpartum with baby #2! I am 25 pounds down from this pregnancies highest weight, and at this point with Conner I was 20 pounds down from that pregnancy's highest weight. I definitely have a little ways to go still but fully expect to feel like myself at the 15 month postpartum mark and I'm not pressuring myself to snap back quickly at all. (15 months pp was when I started to look and feel like myself again after Conner). With Conner's postpartum time period, I didn't get back to that pregnancy's pre pregnancy weight until 6.5 months postpartum and I don't expect to do the same with this pregnancy's postpartum until that point again. 

I want to normalize not looking the way you did pre pregnancy just merely 6 weeks post birth. For most that is extremely unrealistic. I am celebrating what my body did for me and I took care of it during and after pregnancy so whatever it looks like then and now is exactly what it needs to look like!

Kayla Raborn


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