Friday, October 21, 2022

Conner's 4 Month Update!

 Conner James is 4 months old!!πŸ₯³ He is 14 pounds 10oz and weighs a lot more with the braces. I'm growing some serious biceps πŸ’ͺ🏻 πŸ˜‚. Last week he sat up assisted for the first time in his little seat thing, (and slightly unassisted in my lap). Conner has started reaching for toys and items for the first time! He also rolled from his back to his side (almost all the way over) 3 times three weeks ago!! Conner has been drooling a lot and we noticed he is getting his first tooth! This month was big for his feet and he got out of his casts forever and moved to the braces which was so incredibly hard for him. Conner has been extra alert this month and doesn't like to play on his own much anymore. He is definitely attached to me more than anyone. He still loves breastfeedingπŸ™πŸ»πŸ€±πŸΌ and still likes to eat every 3-4 hours during the day and that's totally fine with me, I love our time together ❤️. He takes his 2 or 3 small daytime naps on me and slept through the night (7.5 hours straight) for the first time a week and a half ago and has been doing so ever since! His favorite time to go to sleep is still midnight though lol. Thank goodness we are night owls! Conner has such a sweetheart and loves people, especially his mom, dad, and sister Lucy❤️.

Our newest family picture :). 

His favorite new activity is sitting up assisted!

Watching daddy break down film!

We love Tennessee weekends!!

My honey!

Conner's first football game!!

First time in his assisted seater.

Who says mothers and sons can't match!

Lucy and Conner are quite the duo now! Conner reaches for Lucy now and smiles at her and Lucy loves her brother!

One thing we are facing right now with the boots and bar brace is Conner uses items to pry the brace off constantly and it is a big problem. He uses your knees or all of his baby items to do so including his car seat which makes it extremely difficult to go anywhere because he painfully kicks the boots half way off and screams in pain. It's like how it was as a kid when your inline skate was on too tight and you pried it off with the other foot and it got stuck and your bones hurt so bad so you slam your foot back in the skate quickly and loosen it and try again, or quickly take it off with even more force to ease the pain. So for him it gets stuck in that in-between phase and he can't get it off and when we are in the car we can't reach him to help him. Also, Conner literally doesn't fit in his car seat with the boots and bar on so we have to drive with it off and he gets a solid hour a day out of it so anything extra just adds on top of that so you want to minimize travel to keep that time as close to an hour as possible if that makes sense. If you go 3 hours outside of the brace, movement in his clubbed feet start to happen. What will we do with holidays to see my family in Knoxville?
So Conner doesn't fit in or kicks off his brace in every single baby item we have for him, baby carriers, strollers, car seat, swings, bouncers, bassinet, and he won't be able to use a bouncer or walker so I try to focus on the positive because I become very very bitter. Also he still can't wear pants because diaper changes are impossible and he will never in his life be able to wear footed pajamas because he will wear his brace at night. 

We had our first yard sale a few weekends ago and the 4 of us crammed in a 2 seater soccer chair and it was awesome!

Conner's favorite thing in the world is reading books and I had no idea Lucy loved it just as much! They both love my story voice and the pages with pop ups. Conner smiles the whole time I read! And if I knew Lucy loved books too I would have read to her long ago! I love my family so much.

Another club foot appointment.

Our little guy trying to roll over!! So so proud of him!

Not sure what to think about his brace.

Plotting before getting his last set of casts ever off.

It sure is great to be a Tennessee vol!

With so much love,
Kayla and Conner!

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