Wednesday, June 1, 2022

BABY MONTH!!! Getting the House Ready for Baby, and Mother's Day

 We celebrated Memorial Day weekend with a simple cookout at Cody's parents house but had a blast!!!

Lucy scouting out her favorite spot in baby boys future bedroom!

Lucy and I are taking advantage of these hot days and I pulled out the new splash pad I bought from Target! It was a hit!!

And for the first time since we got our peony bushes, we have blooms! I was so excited! My favorite flowers in the world!!

Mom and Dad! <3

My mom has been visiting me frequently trying to get as much quality time in as possible before the baby arrives and I am LOVING it!!! We of course have to take many photo shoots to document my every growing bump!! 

My sweet mama is about to become a grandma!!!

We put out our Halo bassinet, baby swing, and mini pack in play around the house a few weeks ago to get Lucy used to the sounds, smells, and just them being around the house. I highly recommend doing that and also turning them on and playing the music!

Yesterday my mom took me to a delicious tea room to celebrate and helped me walk Lucy and then took me swimming (my absolute favorite thing ever)! I love it so much!

The food at Chelsea's on Thornton tea room in Dalton GA.

Southern Adventist indoor pool!

Photoshoot to document the last few days with my bump!!

Wowza, it looks like I'm smuggling a basketball!

Also with it being June 1st, we now officially can say we are having a June baby 100%. AND due to inducing for various reasons, we are in the single digits until baby arrives!! Can you believe it!? Also I am so lucky to be feeling so good this far along. I hardly feel pregnant besides seeing him move! I've been so lucky to avoid swelling, round ligament pain, stretch marks, back aches, leg cramps, and more. I am so so so thankful! 

I have also managed to keep up my prenatal workouts but I think I'm hanging my hat up with that officially at 38.5 weeks pregnant and I'm going to stick with walks with Lucy now. I experience significant contractions every day now but they always subside after about an hour. 

I was 35 weeks pregnant on Mother's Day this year and boy, how incredibly grateful am I 🙏🏻. This was technically my 3rd mother's day because of my faith, I believe life begins at conception. My first Mother's day was filled with such nervous excitement and joy as I couldn’t believe my child was inside me and I was going to be a mom. Last year our life felt like something was missing and nothing could shake that general blanket of sadness, even though I knew it wasn't time yet. And this year, such hope, faith, and love is wrapped up in one as I feel our little one kick inside me as I'm writing this, and oh how thankful I am🙏🏻. We are so close to meeting him and I'm so eternally grateful to be pregnant and he is with me and healthy. Our fourth mothers day next year will be our first with our baby in our arms, Lord willing, and I absolutely cant wait. I thought about this day last year in great anticipation, and it's even better than I could have imagined. Today I think about all the mother's out there in every step of their journeys and pray for each circumstance. It is God who gives us the faith to move forward, and the hope and blessings our heart desires in His time. "Yet this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope; because of the Lords great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness". Lamentations 3:21-23.  I'm so grateful to join the mommy club and I know I will greatly lead by my own mom's example for us. My mom is so special to me and loves Morgan and I more than words can express, and with more love than any mom I have ever seen. She rocked single parenthood so gracefully and gave us so much and gave up so much so we could have the life and future we do. I love you so much mama and I hope I'm even half the mom you are to us as I am to my little baby.❤️ I have some big shoes to fill! Today is a good day, praise God!

With so much love,
soon-to-be mama Kayla

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