Happy Halloween!!! This year may be a little different because of the pandemic but mark my words, I will still be at my door ready for any brave trick or treaters to safely come to our house! We will be there. I have been looking forward to this for almost 3 years!!
Here is our family's themed costumes this year! I'm excited for next year's theme too! Oh and Lucy HATED her costume.
Thanks to my mom, she helped me decorate outside for Halloween!!! So happy!
Is it spooky!!!?
I'm waiting for more leaves to change color! Our area is so pretty!
(we got her area prepared for spaying surgery recovery so she can eat and drink with the cone and be comfortable. She fell asleep the night before the surgery all bathed and clean and 100% unsuspecting what was waiting for her tomorrow morning).
When we were planning to get sweet Lucy girl we knew we had to time it just right and find a good breeder and a dog that would be born to fit the timeline we needed. We knew we wanted to be in our house for 6-12 months (preferably 12 but that didn't work out >:(......) before getting a dog and we knew with our work schedules it would have to be the end of June when we picked up Lucy for Cody's first football bye week so he can be with her for 2 weeks transitioning her into half day's in her pen inside after that until school started 2 months later where we would leave her outside/in the garage full time while we were at work.
If we had gotten Lucy any other time, we wouldn't have been able to do that. And our timeline perfectly matched up for when Lucy would have had to be conceived and born for this to all happen with the perfect breeder and when that would mean she would turn 6 months (to get spayed) right before and during Cody's Fall break so we could properly take care of her for those next 10-14 critical days.
So the Friday before Cody's Fall break, we dropped sweet Lucy off at our (amazing) vet at 7:30am and she happily trotted in! She doesn't make many negative memories, she's tough and the alpha of the litter and loves adventure and people.
We picked her up at 3:00pm to a very loopy looking dog. She stumbled into our backseat and Cody held her the whole drive home (20 mins) with her crying the whole way. She hates cars though.
They told us she didn't need a cone because she wasn't messing with her stitches but when they brought her out with a cone they said, never mind, that was the other dog. Lucy tore her catheter out and wasn't having it. lol.
When we got in, we took her to get some water and to go to the bathroom and poor thing struggled to go #2 because she was in pain.
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