Friday, November 27, 2020

Decorating for Christmas in our New House!

I have never decorated for Christmas before Thanksgiving in my life but this year, this year is different. I think everyone needs a little extra holiday cheer! I have been looking forward to this moment for the past 3 years. I am so excited to finally be decorating OUR own HOUSE for Christmas!! 

The reason it means so much to me is I can see us opening presents all together Christmas morning and watching Lucy get excited with all of her new presents and toys. I can see our 2 kids coming down the stairs and diving into their gifts and lighting the advent wreathe for Christmas dinner with the grandparents. I can see so much love and happiness. It's in our fingertips, we are almost there. And guess what, living in this house has been even greater than my wildest dreams. We are here.

It took me about an hour total to get all of our Christmas decorations out, and all of our Fall ones put away, and about 5 hours to finish putting the Christmas decorations up and clean up. Not bad at all. Lucy helped me again put everything away. I love seeing the awe in her eyes at all of the new things and see her experience it for the first time. She couldn't understand the ornaments. She barked and barked until I put the ornament in front of her nose to sniff and place it lower on the tree for her to look at. Besides that, I think she will leave it alone quite nicely!

We are waiting for Lucy's stocking in the middle but besides that we are 99% decorated!


Lucy's stocking came in and I love it!! Jamie got it embroidered for us with Lucy's name and it turned out SO amazingly! Back in April, I was so sure we would have a little babies stocking to add to the fireplace as I was due December 31st but life turns in so many directions. 

My favorite part about my house, the manger scene. Nothing more sentimental, emotional, and awe-struck as this! It about brought me to tears putting the beautiful scene together. Jesus didn't need extravagance in her life even though he was a King, he was born in a manger for goodness sake and that was perfect. Jesus is truly the reason for the season. I can't wait to teach our kids about Jesus and celebrating his birthday. We tried teaching Lucy to pray, and I think she likes it!

Going with the red and black plaid theme this year!

I've always dreamed of having a counter space just for tea and hot chocolate!

Towels around the oven! I couldn't decide on the towel theme. I guess we got a double oven for this reason exactly LOL!

I'm LOVING the brown bear theme this year!!! Well, every year, lol!

We have two beautiful lit trees beside our front door and a light up wreathe. We purposely put two outlets, one on each side of the door just for this reason. We literally custom built our house for this reason and decorating for Christmas lol.

The view when you come in the front door!

Cody's office couch!

And look how magical at night!


Now the tree with color and ornaments! I'm in love!!

I have loved being able to add Lucy pictures and ornaments to our set up this year! She is an important milestone in our family!

Bye Fall décor!

With so much love,
Kayla Raborn 

Monday, November 2, 2020

Red Clay State Park and November!

My mom is so selfless, she drove all the way down to Chattanooga to help me take Lucy on an adventure to Red Clay state park, run my errands with me, clean my house, and help us keep Lucy busy while we answered the door all night for trick or treaters. Mom, you make my life so much happier, I really don't know what I would do without you! 

Red Clay was beyond perfect! The weather was amazing, we loved the trails and learning the history, but what made it the best day was Morgan was there too!! I just love quality time with mom and Morgan!



They even had a fire pit out for us all to warm up with!

This was Lucy's first big adventure outside of the house and she acted like she had done it a billion times. She was so calm and comfortable walking around the trails looking at the log houses with us!

The map of our adventure!

We spent about 2 hours there and really enjoyed the nature! Red Clay was only 19 minutes from my house!!!
Cody and I got one of our Christmas presents early so we could enjoy it before the weather got too cold, a hammock!!

And boy, does Lucy not love her hammock so much! She prefers to sleep in it by herself. She can get in but not out on her own.

So relaxing!!

Also, November means the end of Cody's season is among us. We are wrapping up and glad to start fresh a new year and season...just like everyone else. 

Look at this amazing picture of Cody!!!

We're can all only go up from here! Here's to November and December on the way, the greatest time of the year and the promise of a new year!

With so much love,
Kayla Raborn 

Halloween in our New House and Lucy getting Spayed

Happy Halloween!!! This year may be a little different because of the pandemic but mark my words, I will still be at my door ready for any brave trick or treaters to safely come to our house! We will be there. I have been looking forward to this for almost 3 years!!


Here is our family's themed costumes this year! I'm excited for next year's theme too! Oh and Lucy HATED her costume.

Other family. We loved having 3 groups of people from our family come visit us!!

We wore Lucy out! It was a nice change of pace lol!


Thanks to my mom, she helped me decorate outside for Halloween!!! So happy!


Is it spooky!!!?

I'm waiting for more leaves to change color! Our area is so pretty!


(we got her area prepared for spaying surgery recovery so she can eat and drink with the cone and be comfortable. She fell asleep the night before the surgery all bathed and clean and 100% unsuspecting what was waiting for her tomorrow morning).

When we were planning to get sweet Lucy girl we knew we had to time it just right and find a good breeder and a dog that would be born to fit the timeline we needed. We knew we wanted to be in our house for 6-12 months (preferably 12 but that didn't work out >:(......) before getting a dog and we knew with our work schedules it would have to be the end of June when we picked up Lucy for Cody's first football bye week so he can be with her for 2 weeks transitioning her into half day's in her pen inside after that until school started 2 months later where we would leave her outside/in the garage full time while we were at work. 

If we had gotten Lucy any other time, we wouldn't have been able to do that. And our timeline perfectly matched up for when Lucy would have had to be conceived and born for this to all happen with the perfect breeder and when that would mean she would turn 6 months (to get spayed) right before and during Cody's Fall break so we could properly take care of her for those next 10-14 critical days. 

So the Friday before Cody's Fall break, we dropped sweet Lucy off at our (amazing) vet at 7:30am and she happily trotted in! She doesn't make many negative memories, she's tough and the alpha of the litter and loves adventure and people. 

We picked her up at 3:00pm to a very loopy looking dog. She stumbled into our backseat and Cody held her the whole drive home (20 mins) with her crying the whole way. She hates cars though. 

They told us she didn't need a cone because she wasn't messing with her stitches but when they brought her out with a cone they said, never mind, that was the other dog. Lucy tore her catheter out and wasn't having it. lol.

When we got in, we took her to get some water and to go to the bathroom and poor thing struggled to go #2 because she was in pain. 

When we first put her in her pen to calm her, she was NOT a happy girl. Her arm hurt from the IV, her shoulders hurt from the microchip, she couldn't poop, she was hungry and weak but the pain medicine curbed her appetite, and her nails were freshly clipped. Lol. She was NOT happy. On top of that, she was so tired and hated the cone. She was only given 3 pain pills for the next few days and was told to restrict her activity.

Later that day she was able to go #2 better and finally got comfortable after we caved and let her jump on the couch. That was the happiest we had seen her that day. She napped just like that for hours. 

I tired to lay with her to make her happy. She wasn't ha. 

She tried CONSTANTLY to get the cone off of her head and was so frustrated. She actually bit me a few times she was so mad.

We knew we had to do something because she couldn't take this the next 10-14 days. And the next 3-5 days were critical they said.

So we bought her an inflatable ring thanks to Jordan my co-workers recommendation!

The moment we took off her cone and put this on, she was a different dog. She says, I'll hold my doggie so he isn't scared, lol. 

We literally saw her transform right before our eyes!

Now for some real rest!

Her stitches if you are or will be in our shoes and want to know if what your dog looks like is normal. This is what Lucy looked like right when she came home from the vet and it only has gotten better from then on.

On the third day, Lucy had zoomies around the couch and we had to hold her down and get her in her crate so she didn't hurt herself. The second day after surgery on, they will be back to normal but have the same strict restrictions. It is so hard to keep her still and we had to crate her often. It's harder on you than them definitely! From day 2 on, we let her jump on the couch, jump on us (not on purpose) and play with her toys and she is just fine. The vet doesn't really touch on how much they can really do.

With love,
Kayla Raborn