Friday, June 26, 2020

4th Anniversary!

4 years married! Can you believe it! It seems like just yesterday Cody and I were so excited planning our wedding! This has definitely tied for being the best year of marriage yet! The first year was also our favorite. During this last year of marriage, I got into a new healthier environment at work, we finished building our dream house, moved in, cleaned and closed our apartment lease out after 4 years, threw an epic family housewarming party and just had a really good time together. Our relationship has grown the most over this year and has definitely been the absolute sweetest. 

To celebrate this year, we went to Bonefish grill, our tradition, and enjoyed being the only ones in the resturant. #covid We got donuts for dessert and went to Petsmart to buy the rest of Lucy's dog items since we were getting her in just 3 days. 

Cody surprised me with the biggest bouquet of flowers and the next day we had a sushi picnic in the back yard and hot dogs on the grill and sparkling cider for dinner!


I am so grateful for Cody's love. Life just gets so much sweeter every day with him and I love the adventures we go on through life. I don't deserve you Cody Raborn! <3

Kayla Raborn
We really enjoyed our friends wedding out in West Tennessee! June is truly the best month for weddings! 5 weddings in our family are in June!

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