Christmas time! The most wonderful time of the year! Everything is brighter, people are happier, gifts are bought, families are together, trees are cut, lights are strung, stockings are hung. Just everything is perfect. Christmas time is so fun but so incredibly busy. There's not a time in the year that goes by as fast as Christmas does. So during all that hustle and bustle is there even time to stop and think? Time to stop and reflect? Take time to slow down and really think about Christmas and what it means to you because Christmas really isn't about all of the toys, presents, money and gifts given, or even about the traditions and trips together as a family. Christmas is about the man in the name. CHRIST. And just that. In this world so lacking religion, Christ unfortunately comes last in a lot of ways, even as far as people taking Christ out of the name Christmas short handing it to xmas. Christmas doesn't even exist without Jesus. Christmas is made to celebrate Jesus' birth. Santa, presents, cookies, trees, lights, etc. doesn't even really have anything to do with Christ. Some may argue it is part of the celebration, but I honestly think the two don't even correlate. It's not wrong to celebrate Santa and Santa bringing gifts, but I think it is extremely important to really realize the meaning of the extremely special day, Jesus' birth. Now technically, Jesus was born some time in March due to tracing historical records and following climate clues in the bible and what it was like in the middle east during that time period, but December 25th is a universal day to chose to recognize and celebrate our saviors birth since birth records were not kept back then and we don't know the exact day.
When Cody and I have kids we will celebrate Christmas with Santa and gifts, but that will not be the focus. We will give our kids a few presents but they will have to give one of their old toys to the Samaritan center for every gift they receive to help teach them the real meaning of the season. Christ will be the focus and our kids will anticipate celebrating Christ's birth rather than what gifts they will be receiving the next morning. I am extremely excited to teach our kids about their savior and raise our family in the ways of the Lord; just as I was raised as a child.
Jesus wants us to love one another and give to those in need and most importantly spread God's word, not just for one month out of the year, but every day year round. We should shift the focus of Christmas to Christ in such a way that even atheists understand the reason for the season. If they don't believe in Jesus, why are they celebrating a holiday made to celebrate Christ for their own gain (gifts and Santa)? Christ is love and wants all of his children to come to him. We are Christ's recruits.
The story of Jesus' birth is one of my favorite stories to read in the bible. There is something so pure and magical, that it makes you wish you could travel back in time and be there for that famous night. Christmas is about Christ not Santa.
Santa is a nice thought and I know it derives from St. Nicholas. St. Nick was a good man who brought toys to orphans in the winter but do we even recognize that about the symbolism of Santa? We should read the story of St. Nick too!
Also one of the most amazing movies I have ever seen is The Star! It is a WONDERFUL modern way to share the story about Jesus in a very kid-friendly way. Cody and I saw it the other weekend and it was easily the best movie we have ever seen! Please take you and/or your kids and support these Christian movies! The sad thing is there is little to zero advertisement due to the way our nation is set up to fear anything with your opinion or religious affiliation. Christianity shouldn't be stifled or hidden, it should be shouted from the rooftops so everyone can hear the good news about Christ. Jesus died for our sins and loves every single one of us. Jesus gave us the free will to make our own decisions regardless of what we think is right or wrong. Jesus loves you! And the best part is you will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus! We are all sinners, repent your sins and live a life filled with Christ-likeness and love. Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice, he sacrificed his own life for all of our sins, and the penalty of our sins wouldn't be death anymore. Give thanks this season to all of the good things Jesus has given you. God gave us this world and he has given us the family we get to spend Christmas with. God is always with us and never wants anything bad to happen to us. Holidays can be hard with those with loss. Those hurting with loss this season talk to the Lord, God is always with you and will NEVER leave you. Spend time in prayer with the Lord. We are the sheep and he is our Shepard.
Christmas to me means time with family and time together. Christmas to me means to slow down and appreciate the little things in our life that we may take for granite, and to thank the Lord for the time he gives us because that is one thing that we can never get back or get enough of. For me, Christmas means to enjoy the extra time at church for all of the Christmas gatherings, live nativity scenes, rejoicing to God with Christmas music concerts, and caroling to the neighbors. Christmas means to me, joining organizations at church to feed the homeless families, sewing a quilt for the elderly, visiting nursing homes, taking part of operation Christmas child, and choosing gifts on the angel tree to give to the children in the community. If you are looking for opportunities to help out in your community, look to churches around you, there are a lot of community outreach programs this time of year. Christmas to me also means reenacting Jesus' birth with the family, reading the advent candles out before Christmas dinner, driving around looking at Christmas lights, listening to family devotions, tithing to the church, and gracing family members with random acts of kindness. Christmas time to me means reconnecting to family members and eating a nice warm Christmas meal together in the anticipation of the next day, seeing the joy on peoples face when they see the gift you have gotten them from listening to the needs of their heart. Christmas warms my heart and reminds me of the real reason for the season. I see the love of Christ in my family. I look forward to Christmas every year and always strive to carry that love throughout the year. That is my new years resolution every year.
What does Christmas mean to you and your family?
With so much love,
The Raborns 💗
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