I AM 24 YEARS OLD!!!! It's my birthday!! I am so incredibly excited to celebrate every birthday especially with family!
Since my family wasn't able to come down to Chattanooga the weekend before or after my birthday, we celebrated all together two weekends before. Both of my grandparents came down, and mom, Morgan, and Edgar (oh and Sasha). I was thrilled to have everyone there!
So when I walked into the house I saw the beautiful banner and decorations mom had put up. I was shocked. She went way above and beyond to make my birthday so special. She decorated the house with a beautiful Kate Spade themed birthday party. I love Kate Spade so incredibly much! The birthday banner was so me! Mom is awesome!
Then I walked into the dining room through the streamers so find the bright pink Kate Spade table decorations and GORGEOUS light pink and white peony bouquets. They were so super sweet reminding me of my wedding bouquet. (The funny thing is, just weeks before I had been posting about Kate Spade themed party decor on pinterest because I was slightly envious but mom didn't even know I had been posting that. She doesn't have a pinterest! Mom knows me so well!)
Just look at those peonies!! They are by far my favorite flower!
The babies breath and greenery were such a nice touch!
Mom had also themed the party food around watermelon (my favorite) and decorated them with beautiful cotton candy balls reminding me of something out of a Dr. Seuss book.
Now to my favorite treat, my chocolate dipped watermelon cubes. I was so surprised! Mom has never been able to make something so creative with food. She worked so hard to make these and they turned out so perfect!
Even the table set and silverware were Kate Spade themed! So beautiful!
I tell you, one of these days I am going to be able to save up enough money to buy my very own Kate Spade purse!
I loved the banner!
So after I arrived at the house and admired the decorations, we all went to VW to hike the trails. It was so hot but SO MUCH FUN! I love hiking more than you can imagine!
After 2 hours of hiking we came back home and opened our presents. Everyone was so sweet, I loved everything!
Of course Sasha was here to help me open my presents when I was struggling. 😂 Little stinker.
For those who know me, I love baths (closest thing to swimming, my favorite thing ever) hence, the bag. And for my birthday I got 6 new bath bombs!!! I am so excited!!!!!!
Then was the much awaited cake after eating our chicken and zucchini noodle diner. We had my aunt's best friend make this key lime pie cake for us and it was drop-dead amazing. She is such a talented baker and this was the best cake I had ever had. It was all eaten by the next day.
I mean just look at those layers!
After cake it started to rain so we thought it would be a great idea to play with our water balloons that Morgan got for us (one of my favorite presents)! We threw them at each other and bounced with them on the trampoline. I love still being a kid at heart. When we ran out of water balloons it was time for everyone to go home. So we put Sasha in the trunk of the car on her blanket and went back inside to get our stuff. We all came back out so send off Gigi and Granddad and you wouldn't believe what we saw. Sahsa had climbed over 3 rows of seats and was sitting in the DRIVERS SEAT!!! It was like what?!?! There's no way she could fit over those bench seats and climb that far. She just kept looking back at us like, so where are you guys going to sit? She is a hoot and keeps all of us on our toes. Speaking of dogs, Cody and I can't wait to get a dog in 3 years! We have been thinking long and hard about that too. We don't want to overwhelm ourselves with a dog yet either and have to pay it's expensive medical bills, food, toys, and have to worry about trips and it destroying our apartment. We will not get a dog until we have a house. We will be in our apartment until November 2019. We are thinking about getting a lab one day! The color? We can't agree on one yet ;).
Anyways, back the birthday. I am so thankful for everyone coming and making it one of my favorite birthday's yet. I love you all!
On my actual birthday day, I came home from work to a clean apartment, my favorite, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a sweet sweet card and not pictured, a beautiful set of earrings and a bracelet, and my favorite meatloaf in the oven. Cody is always so thoughtful and sweet to me. For the rest of the night we watched Grey's anatomy, went on a walk at the local greenway, and got a Sonic drink to go home with us. It was a good birthday! Oh and also, I love Cody's humor so much. The card he gave me had a one dollar bill in it. I laughed for 5 minutes straight. I should have put $100 dollars of our own money in his card just so he could put it back in his wallet. He is a hoot. 😂
On Cody's actual birthday, I wanted to make him his favorite dinner which consists of chicken noodle soup with dumplings but I have no idea how to make it as it is my mother-in-law's famous dish. So I called as asked if she could whip it up for me and she sweetly agreed! I was SO thankful! So I surprised Cody with the dinner when he got home late from his football teams scrimmage.
I then showed him his surprise dessert! DONUTS!! Donuts are his favorite! I got him chocolate and caramel donuts. Unfortunately the candle I randomly found around the apartment was from his great grandmothers funeral (which I didn't know) and I about stroked when he told me. Sorry babe!
I then had him sit and open his presents which he loved! I surprised him with a protein powder and really cool shaker he had been wanting. We also went to Academy to get his dream pair of sunglasses. We ended the night with more Grey's Anatomy and snuggles!
I've always loved having our birthday's a day apart! It is so much fun! Our kids will never have to remember or forget our birthdays since it is so easy!
On my actual birthday day, I came home from work to a clean apartment, my favorite, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a sweet sweet card and not pictured, a beautiful set of earrings and a bracelet, and my favorite meatloaf in the oven. Cody is always so thoughtful and sweet to me. For the rest of the night we watched Grey's anatomy, went on a walk at the local greenway, and got a Sonic drink to go home with us. It was a good birthday! Oh and also, I love Cody's humor so much. The card he gave me had a one dollar bill in it. I laughed for 5 minutes straight. I should have put $100 dollars of our own money in his card just so he could put it back in his wallet. He is a hoot. 😂
So now as I look ahead to my next birthday (25), I get a little sad. I have always enjoyed celebrating another year older but just thinking about 25 really hit home. 29 is your prime, you will never get those years of youth back (and won't know what you are missing until it is gone), and you have hit your aging peak before you slowly slowly start to go downhill for the rest of your life. Realizing that the prime of my life (the 20's) is right now and next year it will be half way over is so difficult for me to think about. In your 20's you don't have many real life responsibilities (besides marriage and your apartment/house) and you can just come and go at a whim and take small vacations/trips whenever, and just relax. When you hit 28/29/30 years old, you have to worry about pregnancy, birth, and raising your child into a successful member of the world, and also just worried about keeping them alive and happy....for the rest of their life. That is a huge task. A huge task God thinks we can all handle one day. That is stressful as heck and I am so blessed just to have this time now to literally not worry compared to how it will be in 3-4 years. When Cody and I decide to be parents, I am going to put 1,000% effort into it and take it extremely seriously. It will be my biggest job. That reason alone is the actual truth of why we will wait so long to have kids. Also to be financially stable enough to support our kids and be able to buy them the things they need without giving it a second thought. I'm sorry I talk about kids a lot, they are on my mind a lot. We like to make life plans but we do ultimately realize God is in control and we may never be blessed with children, we may have difficulty conceiving, or we may find ourselves pregnant before the 4 years. I am realistic and see all three scenarios everywhere I look. Whatever God's plan is for us, we will follow it. I just wanted to make that clear. But until God's plan for us is unveiled, we have to plan ahead.
Anyways, back to being old. So yes I will be sad my next birthday and EXTREMELY sad on my 30th birthday. But I have to remember that aging is not always terrible. Aging means you are one year closer to having kids, or one year closer to them becoming older and more relatable, one year closer to one day having grand kids, retirement, and meeting the Lord one day. Aging throughout your life is not bad, it is the inability to let go of something out of your control and our human desire to want to hold on to what we know is good in our life right now, when we don't even know what great things God had planned for us next. It is difficult for us as humans to see our bodies not be able to do what we once could. It is the hardest thing now for me to remember as a kid hearing my parents/grandparents talk about this stuff, but now hearing them wish they were where they used to think they were old back then. It is all perspective. When I was little I heard all of the adults in my life talk about that but it honestly never occurred to me that it would happen to me too. I used to listen to them thinking aw that stinks and went on my merry way. I never really thought things changed, and you would kind of be a kid forever. As kids you have a difficult time being able to visualize the future.
But out of all of these deep thoughts, I've come to the conclusion of just living in the moment and enjoying every step you are on. It is all part of Gods plan for you.
I'm sorry for all of the deep thoughts, I truly believe I am an old soul ;).
With so much love,
Kayla Raborn
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