Monday, June 7, 2021

Happy 'Gotcha Day' to Lucy!!

One whole year with our Lucy in our lives. Oh how you have changed everything sweet girl. You have changed my life, you have changed me, you have changed my outlook. You are my light. God knew exactly what He was doing giving us you. It was the perfect timing and perfect match. The second I held you in my arms May 24th, 2020 I was terrified but so certain it was you. I had just gotten the news 2 days prior that your human sibling went up to heaven 2 weeks prior and you just barged your way into my heart, taking all negative thoughts away and turning them into excitement and anticipation for you. God used you and worked through you to help me. You are a miracle. And now you have experienced every day and every holiday together of a whole year! So fun!
Her 'gotcha day' new toy hamburger!

Even though covid was so so evil and possibly took my baby from me, and I hate it, it also gave us you. If you don't know, we would have never gotten Lucy if it weren't for covid. We somehow got on the normally 3 year wait list immediately through lots of prayer and were the 2nd girl on the list for one of Early's Golden retrievers dogs and 5th girl on the list for the second pregnant dog for the February 2020 conceived and April 2020 born litters. When the first dog, Abygale (Lucy's dad's other "partner"), gave birth she somehow only gave birth to two dogs (when the vet ultrasound showed she had 13-14 pups to deliver) which were boys and the third boy dog died in delivery we were crushed because we were so certain this was going to be our dog and our chance, from this litter of supposedly 14. Then Daizi gave birth to 4 boy dogs and 4 girl dogs, one short away from what we were in line for. We were absolutely devastated to say the least. I cried on the way to work, I cried driving home, I cried the whole evening, I cried for everything that felt so wrong and so broken and lonely. I didn't understand, God had sent us Early's Golden retrievers after almost a year of looking with no luck for getting a dog anywhere near when we needed one. Then at 8:30pm Sheri called (which I was sure to say she was so sorry but we didn't make the lineup) but she said, due to covid, 2 girl dog owners dropped out because they had lost their job or couldn't afford a dog right now. I about fainted. This was God. This was our chance and we jumped for it. So when we went to pick out our dog, we didn't just get the last ("5th") girl, we got to choose between 2 girl dogs! That is God y'all. I felt for those families who had lost their jobs or were struggling, but I have to say without a doubt in my mind that we were the best and right parents to Lucy. I love and care for that dog more than anyone could have ever. I love her more than some would love a child. Loved, not spoiled. So Lucy's story is remarkable. So as much as covid took away from me and even though I got it 3 times, I have finally made peace with it because without it, I wouldn't have my sweet Lucy.

The day we drove home with Lucy, she rested on my chest the whole 4.5 hours home. She bonded with me immediately and I was so so so scared because I had no idea what to do or how to even hold her. She seemed so fragile in her 8 pound frame. But Lucy never once showed any fear. Even on her first night alone she slept soundly throughout the night. She is so brave. I taught her all about our house and I was so impressed by how incredibly smart she was instantly. I adored her and we spent the next 3 weeks every moment together and the next 3 months all evening after work together when Cody would be at football until 9pm or later. Especially on game nights when Cody would come home at 2am the next morning and have to constantly work on his masters degree (even now). I spend as much time with her as I could, training her and loving her. I walk her every night for 2 hours, I play with her an hour and a half before work every day, we cuddle on the couch. I play hoursssss of frisbee in the yard together every day, and she became part of our life. She is one of the family and I can't even remember life before her. She is my best friend. I wish I had gotten her 15 years ago lol. She is so perfect. Even when she chews up the baseboards I can't help but love her, so feaking much. The house doesn't even matter. When she jumps on my head or breaks my toe, I can only stay mad at her until the throbbing of the pain goes away lol. Lucy has become my life and she has added so much love to our family. I love you Lucy and I pray to God that she is with us for another 13+ years. We love you Lucy, more than you can ever know. You aren't a dog to us, you are family. Mark my words, when my kids come (Lord willing), she will still be tied for my favorite. 

I am so fortunate also to be her favorite. That is the greatest gift that could ever been given to me, she is my buddy and shadow. It is something special when a dog bonds with you.

June 7th 2020

Mama, why are you on the inside of my pin? Lucy gave me extra cuddles when I came home from my d&c surgery just 3+ weeks after we had gotten her.

Also, we have taught Lucy how to "talk". We have these buttons that we recorded words into that she can ask to go potty or get a treat or go on a walk and she has understood and has been using them since she was 12 weeks. It's remarkable. 

My gorgeous girl. I always wanted a "Fall dog" that not only fit the Fall colors and feels during 3 months of the year but all the time. She is so pretty.
Exploring Cody's family's property!



Her favorite spot is on top of the couch like a cat!


Our sweet girl LOVES the water!! I can't wait to take her swimming in the Lake in late July!



So beautiful!

She loves her ball so much. She takes it everywhere and cuddles it during naps.

We love you so much Lucy Cove Raborn

or the long version: Lucy Cove Sunset and Midnight Moana Raborn 😁

Lucy growth updates post:


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