What a big month, our precious Colton Allen is 6 months old!! His first half birthday today! 
This month we will begin eating solids for the first time (today), we transitioned to the crib from the bassinet, and big brother potty trained.....all in the same week
. We made it 6 months of exclusively breastfeeding
, and I'm so so proud of us! Our next goal is making it to a year, but I'd love for us to go longer than that, like I did with Conner! Colton weighs 15 pounds and is still in size 6 month clothes and is creeping out of size 2 diapers soon. He finally has doubled his birth weight! Colton is reaching for me now, he enjoys the bouncer now, he wakes up and immediately smiles and giggles at me, and he is showing us that he is wanting to crawl. I wonder when that really will be? Colton can say dada now
. Colton has major stranger danger, and he spins on his tummy while on the ground. Also this month, Colton will be starting his baby gymnastics class, just like Conner did! Huge month with our precious little guy!!